Curva Sud Milano Ultras Speak to AC Milan Players after defeat against Spezia

#acmilan #curvasudmilano #milan

Leaders of the Milan ultra group (Curva Sud Milano) spoke to Pioli and their team after the 2-0 defeat to Spezia

This is Football

Camisetas Club América Información corporativa y noticias relevantes sobre Driblab, la consultora especializada en análisis deportivos especializada en fútbol.

38 opiniones en “Curva Sud Milano Ultras Speak to AC Milan Players after defeat against Spezia”

  1. Well the iraqi national team was also lectured regularly by saddams son uday to the point that you might as well call him coach… I'm guessing in this case here the players are forced to listen and obey to the commands of this ultra mafioso.

  2. I don't know i hear from other fans this ultras they are mafia so pleyers need to be more relax 😂😂😂 its scary but its shit to listen from the fans That's mean you have no idea what are you doing??!

  3. This is a pathetic joke: these players and their manager pretend to "listen" to this mob who have no clue about how to manage a team, how to manage your opponent etc. At least this is better than beating up the players….maybe thats come next boys! 😂😂😂

  4. I would never ever let fans talk to me like they’re my fkn boss. Cut me from the team I’m not standing there and being lectured to by a fat cnt whose identity is a club he has NOTHING TO DO WITH.

  5. Questa si chiama umiltà , bel gesto , i brutto momenti ci sono sempre ma bisogna distruggerli con coraggio , gli ultras gli fanno capire che devono tirare fuori le palle e dare il massimo

  6. Читаю комменты….и просто в шоке…
    Половина "чудаки", вторая половина просто не в теме…и понять не в состоянии, что для Милана это всегда близость с Курвой, с фанатами -были , есть и будут!!
    Повторюсь, именно Милана, их игроков.
    Я много лет с Миланом, и навсегда с ним.
    И если , в вашем говняном клубе это не так, и вы бедные в шоке от увиденного, проснитесь , у нас это так, и нечего свои умозаключения ( в большинстве дебильные!)) излагать!
    И себя там хороните, достали уже…реально.
    Всем Миланистам добра!

  7. L'avessero fatto i Romani/Romanisti, sarebbero stati i soliti burini, ultras reietti che tengono in ostaggio la Società. Sarebbero stati interpellati i Sociologi, i Servizi Segreti, il Papa. Ventisei telegiornali a parlarne.

    L'avessimo fatto noi Napoletani… sarebbe stata la Camorra, Genny La Carogna, i soliti delinquenti. Sarebbero stati interpellati i Sociologi, i Politici, la CIA, la NATO. Puntate e puntate speciali di "Porta A Porta", telegiornali.

    Lo hanno fatto i Milanesi/Milanisti… ottimo dialogo. Quelli non erano ultras ma mental coach. Dei Santi.

  8. Che pagliacciate….mamma mia….ma vi rendete conto che persone di oltre 40 anni stanno facendo figure miserabili ???
    Chiamare a rapporto i giocatori sotto la curva ? Ma che cosa vuol dire?
    Non le capirò mai ste cose….

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