41 opiniones en “Yacine Adli vs FC Köln | Telekom Cup | POWER ?”

  1. Très bon joueur il court beaucoup il presse sur l'adversaire il est agressif sur le porteur de ballon et protège très bien le ballon ça donne de la valeur dans le milieu de l'AC Milan

  2. His close control is very good but still a raw talent that needs more games and experience to improve on his decision making.
    In two years time he will be a first team player at AC Milan.

  3. i hope the "seniors" in the squad like isma and baka play well, so very well
    with that, the young lads could develope with ease. we have grade A youngsters like yacine, pobega and ofcourse sandro, if they could play wih less pressure then we will see the bright future of our milan

  4. I would love Tonali to take care of him, especially physically. He feels like another version of him, not on the same level of experience and technique of course, and especially physically, I said it once again.

  5. The coach must be wise in entering this player
    Slowly, slowly until he gets the enough confidence, and his teammates get used on his playing
    In the future I see adli, tonali and benacer as the maestro and defensive middle field

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